Why the F&#% Doesn't Postgres Have Hints?!?!



Hi! I'm Robert Treat, COO of OmniTI, perhaps the best internet technology consulting company on the planet.

A veteran open source developer and advocate, I have been recognized as a major contributor to the PostgreSQL project, and can often be found speaking on open source, databases, and large scale web operations.
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Laura Thomson about Root Cause of Success
Fri, 22.06.2012 10:18
We do postmortems when things go right - not always but we h ave, especially for big things that go right. It's im [...]

Javier Salado about Intrest free (technical) debt is risky
Tue, 07.02.2012 05:16
Hi Robert, Tanks for your t houghtful interest in my lates t post. You are absolutely right about the underlyi [...]

about Checkpoints, Buffers, and Graphs
Tue, 20.12.2011 10:49
thanks for the slides and the post.

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