
Note: You can find a plethora of videos, including many of the talks below, on my youtube channel at https://pgtreats.info


  • Think Like A Postgres! - PASS Data Summit, 2023

  • Postgres AMA Panel - SCaLE 20x, 2023

  • Think Like A Postgres! - PGConf.NYC 2022

  • Postgres AMA Panel - SCaLE 19x, 2022

  • Advanced INT to BIGINT Conversions - SCaLE 19x, 2022

  • What's New In PostgreSQL 14: All Demo Edition - SCaLE 19x, 2022

  • Advanced INT to BIGINT Conversions - CitusCon, 2022

  • Advanced INT to BIGINT Conversions - PGConf.NYC, 2021

  • Postgres 12: Choose Your Own Adventure, All Demos Edition - OSS Summit NA, 2020

  • Choose Your Own Adventure: Postgres 12 By Example - PGCon 2020

  • Managing Chaos in Production: Testing vs Monitoring - Scale18x / DevOpsDay LA, 2020

  • Welcome to Postgres 12 - SCaLE 18x, 2020

  • Bringin DevOps to the Database - Postgres Vision, 2019

  • The Lost Art of plpgsql - PGCon, 2019

  • Logical Replication… Let’s Do It Live! - PostgresConf, 2019

  • Logical Replication… Let’s Do It Live! - SCaLE 17x, 2019

  • Managing Chaos in Production: Testing vs. Monitoring[video] - LISA, 2018

  • DevSecOps in Practice (Panel) - LISA, 2018

  • Yogi Berra, Unsung Hero of DevOps - LISA, 2018

  • I Didn’t Know Postgres Could Do That! - Postgresconf Silicon Valley, 2018

  • PostgreSQL Partitioning - PGCon, 2018

  • DevOpsing Your Database - PostgresConf US, 2018

  • Open Source Projects vs. Open Source Products - Open Source 101 Columbia, 2018

  • Production Testing Through Monitoring - DevOpsDays Baltimore, 2018

  • PostgreSQL Partitioning - SCaLE 16x, 2018

  • Postgres Logical Replication… Let’s Do It Live![video] - Postgres Open, 2017

  • Production Testing Through Monitoring - DevOpsDays Salt Lake City, 2017

  • Never Have I Ever (Horrible Adventures in Postgres) - Postgres Open, 2016

  • Managing Databases in a DevOps Environment - PGDay Philly, 2016

  • Less Alarming Alerts! - SRECon, 2016

  • Closing Plenary - Surge, 2015

  • Yogi Berra, Unsung Hero of DevOps - Surge, 2015

  • Your Place Or Mine - A Discussion On Where To Host Your Site - Velocity EU, 2014

  • What Ops Can Learn From Design - Velocity EU, 2014

  • Postgres 9.4, A First Look - PGCon, 2014

  • Less Alarming Alerts! - Velocity EU, 2013

  • What’s New in Postgres 9.3 - PGDay DE, 2013

  • What’s New in Postgres 9.3 - PGConf EU, 2013

  • Postgres: Past, Present, and Pachyderm - All Things Open, 2013

  • What’s New in Postgres 9.3 - PGCon, 2013

  • How to Eat an Elephant - RICON East, 2013

  • Managing Databases in a DevOps Environment - Velocity Europe, 2012

  • Big Bad Upgraded Postgres - PGCon, 2012

  • Mastering Postgres Administration - PGCon, 2012

  • Big Bad Upgraded Postgres - PGDay DC, 2012

  • Advanced WAL file management with OmniPITR - PGDay Denver, 2011

  • The Essential PostgreSQL.conf - PGDay Denver, 2011

  • Dealing With Vendor Weaknesses In User Space - Highload++, 2011

  • Dealing With Vendor Weaknesses In User Space - Surge, 2011

  • Managing Databases In A DevOps Environment - PostgresOpen, 2011

  • Postgres Vs. Riak (Prezi) - Riak Meetup, 2011

  • Pro Postgres 9 - OSCon Data, 2011

  • Database Scalability Patterns: Sharding for Massive Growth - OSCon Data, 2011

  • Advanced WAL File Management with OmniPITR - PDXPUGDay, 2011

  • Managing Databases in a DevOps Environment - Velocity, 2011

  • Advanced WAL file management with OmniPITR - PGCon, 2011

  • Database Scalability Patterns: Sharding for Unlimited Growth - PGCon, 2011

  • Advanced WAL File Management with OmniPITR - PGEast, 2011

  • Postgres in the Cloud Panel (Host) - PGEast, 2011

  • The Essential PostgreSQL.conf 9 - PGEast, 2011

  • Pro Postgres 9 - PGEast, 2011

  • Scaling with Postgres - PGWest, 2010 (impromptu)

  • Postgres 9, the other stuff - PGWest, 2010

  • Scaling with Postgres - Highload++, 2010

  • SQL vs NoSQL Panel - Surge, 2010

  • Database Scalability Patterns - Surge, 2010

  • Database Scalability Patterns - OSCon, 2010

  • Check Please! What Your Postgres Database Wishes You Would Monitor - PGCon, 2010

  • Know more waiting, A guide to PostgreSQL 9.0 - PGCon, 2010

  • Database Scalability Patterns - PGEast, 2010

  • Know more waiting, A guide to PostgreSQL 9.0 - PGEast, 2010

  • Conventional Thinking, A Guide to Database Naming Standards - OSCon, 2009

  • Check Please! What Your Postgres Database Wishes You Would Monitor - PGDay San Jose, 2009

  • No More Waiting, A Guide To Postgres 8.4 - PGCon, 2009

  • Scaling with Postgres - Percona Performance Conference, 2009

  • No More Waiting, A Guide To Postgres 8.4 - PostgreSQL Conference East, 2009

  • The Essential PostgreSQL.conf - Beijing Perl/Postgres Workshop 2008

  • Pro PostgreSQL - OSCon 2008

  • Database Anti-Patterns - PGcon 2008

  • Big, Bad, Broken PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL Conference East 2008

  • What’s New In PostgreSQL 8.3 - Ohio Linuxfest 2007

  • Introduction to PL/PHP - OSCon 2007

  • Pro PostgreSQL - OSCon 2007

  • PostgreSQL Partitioning - PgCon 2007

  • Pro PostgreSQL - PgCon 2007

  • Introduction to PL/PHP - php/db|works 2006

  • Building Rails to Legacy Applications - OSCon 2006

  • Explaining Explain - OSCon 2005

  • Applying Advanced Database Features - OSCon 2004

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